Considering Baptism?
We are excited that you love Jesus and are seeking to identify with Him in baptism! Baptism is an important step of obedience for every person who is trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
As Christ was buried and raised to life, baptism represents that you have died to your old life (burial) and have been given a new life (resurrection). Baptism does not make you a believer, but it is a way of publicly showing that you have surrendered your life to Jesus Christ. At our church, we baptize by immersion under water because we believe this is the best picture of what has happened in someone’s life when they trust Christ.
We also believe baptism in the New Testament is a sign and a step of commitment into the family of God and a local church body. Therefore, we baptize people who have demonstrated a willingness to be fully functioning members of our church or another local gospel preaching church. The first step in the baptism process is for you to have a conversation with one of our pastors. They will listen to your story of how God has worked in your life and point you to information that will help you prepare for baptism.
Membership Matters CLASS
Membership Matters is an introduction to our church beliefs that includes details about our mission, core values, ministry distinctives, and the benefits of the local church. The class begins with 5 videos that discuss what the Bible teaches concerning church membership (access the videos here), and concludes with an in-person class.
There is no commitment necessary to attend the Membership Matters class. It is held as needed, or at least two times a year.
Click here to start watching Membership Matters.