Our mission is simple: To believe in Christ, belong to Christ, become like Christ, and build through Christ, as we behold Christ together.
Practically, we put our mission into action in what we call our discipleship pathway.

Behold: Are you fixing your eyes on Jesus through prayer, Bible study and memorization, and by seeing what His Spirit is doing in the lives of others?
Believe: Are you placing your hope and trust in Jesus and surrendering to His lordship in every area of life? Are you eagerly sharing this hope with others?
Belong: Are you walking in Christlike community by engaging in worship with God’s people, opening up your life to others, seeking true accountability, and finding ways to plug in and serve?
Become: Are you growing as your mind, character, relationships, and habits are transformed to look more like Jesus through study, accountability, equipping, and mentorship?
Build: Are you actively involved in leadership training? Are you partnering with other believers to multiply Jesus in the lives of others?
Profile of a transformed follower of Jesus.
Transformed Mind: Believe what Jesus believes – Romans 12:1-2
- I know what I believe and why I believe it
- I am prepared to share the gospel
- I love Jesus with all of my mind
Transformed Character: Live the way Jesus lived – John 4:34
- I obey God instantly and joyfully
- I am bearing the fruit of the Spirit
- I live on mission for Jesus in everyday life situations
- My chief delight is knowing God and glorifying Him
Transformed Relationships: Love as Jesus loved – John 13:34-35
- I am involved in a growth group
- I am a member of OBC
- I seek to have a Christ-centered marriage and family
- I am proactively and intentionally developing relationships with lost people
- I am proactively and intentionally developing relationships with my church family
Transformed Habits: Train as Jesus trained – 2 Timothy 4:7
- I meditate on God’s Word daily
- I pray fervently
- I worship God intimately in spirit and in truth, both privately and corporately
- I give faithfully, generously, joyfully as God prospers me
- I engage in sharing the gospel with the lost
- I leverage my time and money for the purposes of God
Transformed Service: Minister as Jesus ministered – Mark 10:45
- I know my spiritual gifts and am using them to serve others selflessly at OBC
- I consider others as more important than myself
- I follow the Holy Spirit’s leading
Transformed Influence: Lead the way Jesus led – Colossians 1:28-29, Ephesians 4:11-16, Matthew 28:18-20
- I am equipped to make disciples and intentionally seek further equipping
- I am multiplying disciple makers in my sphere of influence
- I am a servant leader
- I speak the truth in love
- I strive to exemplify Christ