Welcome to Orangeville Baptist Church
6921 Marsh Rd. Plainwell, Mi 49080
(269) 664-4377 orangevillebaptist.org
We are a Christ Centered Community –
Whose Aim Is To:
Believe In Christ,
Belong To Christ,
Become Like Christ, &
Build Through Christ-Together
Pastoral Staff:
Lead Pastor: Andrew Manwarren (906) 322-7206
Pastor of Student Ministries: Josiah Hayden (616) 581-7838
Worship Leader:
David Stout (269) 685-7872
Deacons:1 John 4:4
Chuck Dennany (269) 303-9255 Bill Boyle (269) 217-3374
Randy Bender (269) 998-8370 Ken Brinks (269) 792-6504
Andy Stoneburner (269) 350-6052
This Week’s Memory Verse:1 Corinthians 15:51-52
Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.
9:30 am –Sunday SchooL (SEE INSERT)l
– Study of Hosea with Pastor Dan in auditorium for adults
10:30 am Worship/Message from Luke 2:21-40 Marvel at What
Christ Has Done Part 1
6:00 pm Growth Groups at church
Youth Group
November 29, 2020 Financial Report-Weekly Budget 4266.44
-General Giving/Missions $4517.75 -Faith Promise $25.00
-Deacon Fund 25.00 -Baby Pan.40try $50.00
-Budget as of 12-30-20 $221,885.40
-Giving to date $202,563.25
Nursery-Valerie Manwarren/Rose Lybrink
Children’s Church (ages 3-6) Kelli Matteson-dismissed before message
This Week:
Tuesday 6:30-8:30 Growth Group at Dennany’s
Wednesday 7 pm Prayer meeting/Bible Study
No Growth group at church with Pastor Andrew until the new year
Thursday 5-7 pm Growth group at church with Pastor Josiah
6:30-8 pm Growth group at church with Bill Boyle
Friday 9:30 am Senior Men’s Bible Study
For Your Calendar:
December 10th– Senior Luncheon is canceled
December 19th 10 am Christmas basket deliveries (helpers are
December 19th 6-8 pm Christmas Concert “Hope is Born”
January 6th 6:30-8 pm Word of Life resumes (pre-school-6th)
-2021 Giving envelopes are available, see Kelli Matteson
or check the back table
-We are still collecting scrapbook pages for Pastor Dan and
Sharon until December 10th, Cardstock is on the table by the offering box, you can place finished pages in the office mailbox.
THANK YOU! Our church collected over $200.00 for World Mission
Treasure Boxes with our loose change😊
Rebecca grew up the oldest of three on a farm north of Pontiac.
She enjoyed cows, goats, rabbits, chickens, and horses. She asked the Lord into her heart on her 12th birthday, with the help of her friend Kathy, while camping. She is married to Jeff and they have 4 children. They enjoy being part of Pastor Josiah’s growth group on Thursday nights.
Attendance #108